What we can do for you

We combine the marketing strategy and experience that a CMO brings to the table with the skilled, creative execution of an advertising agency to offer our clients a comprehensive marketing plan that we execute on a daily basis.

The Problem

Small to mid-size entrepreneurial companies do not have great marketing options. Most owners agree that they need marketing to drive top-line sales growth, but they are not satisfied with their current options.

  • Option 1: Agencies – takes a lot of money and a lot of time

  • Option 2: Friends, Family, and Discount Shops – very little strategy, feel trapped when it doesn’t work, creative is subpar, never trust that it is done right

  • Option 3: Do it yourself – takes a lot of your valuable time, creative is subpar, second guess each part of it

  • Option 4: Do Nothing – because the first 3 options are not great, doing nothing is often the choice. With no investment in marketing, it is difficult, if not impossible, to drive the top-line sales growth you desire

The Solution

After spending years working in corporate marketing and for advertising agencies, I hated the fact that entrepreneurial companies did not have great options to achieve their marketing goals. Essential Strategies Group was created to help you. We offer overall strategy with tactical execution. We deliver exceptional creative that actually works. We judge our efforts against mutually designed goals to make sure that we achieve what matters the most. We have developed a quick and easy process to get started immediately.

Steps to Get Started

  1. Click below and we will set up a 15-minute call to discuss your marketing and sales objectives. We will analyze the information from this call and formulate a targeted strategy proposal to help you achieve your goals.

  2. Next we will initiate a 45 minute call. This is a very valuable call as we will develop a Power Statement for your company (at no charge) which will be the foundation of your marketing plan. We will discuss your strategy proposal and different pricing options that will fit your budget.

  3. Lastly, we will set up a 2 month test. Let’s see if this is working for you before we go any further. If we both are excited about the results, we can talk about customizing the next steps for your company.